domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010


Hi, how are you doing lately?

well today I'd like to talk you guys of music. Music is an artistic expression, whose medium is the sound, and for the ancient greek it was the "art of the muses". There are several genres of music, some of them very elaborated, and others as simple as the genre that is causing since a few years ago conmotion in the teenagers and even in some adults, that I have observated that are very moved for this music: Reggeaton.

Well, I think the music have to have a real message, one that move your heart as the Reggae, that is not one of my favorite genres, and have to be very well made, with some effort, preparation and talent, as some kinds of metal that are considered one of the most elaborated music and is for that that have thousand and millions of fans in the whole world.

Ok, ok, I'm not saying that the music I like is the best of the best, but I like music so much that I try to hear every time I can. Obviously I'm hearing now. My very favourite groups are Ska-P, The Offsrpring, Cobra Starship, Streetlight manifesto, and the genre that I like the most is Ska. Ska is a genre that arises in Jamaica, directly from jazz. The jamaican uses his radios to tune in the programation of the USA so they can barely catch up what was broadcasting the radio, at least that says the history. Some of the groups more representative of this genre was Gwen Stefani's "No Doubt", and other less known as "Sublime" and "Rancid", and of course "Ska-P", for those that are spanish speakers, is one of the most recognized in the world!.

well I think that is all, of course I went to the concert that gave Ska-P here in movistar arena last wednesday and it was terrific!. So... nothing else to say and I hope you enjoy, Bye!

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