domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Red Cross... AIDS?

Lately, there's been a subject I'd like to write of, but it's kinda a personal subject. It's the Red Cross.

It's a great place, you can learn a lot of thing, such as first aids, or HIV/AIDS and many others subjects. And of course you have the oportunity of knowing people from all the country, even other countries. For example, after the earthquake from 28 of febraury came people from Spain, Japan, U.S.A. and others countries, and for one of the capacitations I've gone, the speaker was from Republica Dominicana, and there were also people from Iquique, Chillan, Valparaiso and Traiguen (near from Temuco). That was a capacitation of JSP, or in english, Together We Can, that it's a thematic for teaching about HIV/AIDS, unwanted adolescent pregnancy and other STI to people from ages since 13 to 24 years old.

Well, now I'd like to talk you about this disease called AIDS: It's clear that it's a pandemic disease, and to 2008 there were 33.4 millon people living with the HIV, and 2 millon people living with HIV/AIDS died that year. And there's one thing that it's bothering me, and it's that since the 2004 there hasn't been published new numbers about AIDS in Chile. Also I'd like to dispell myth about AIDS. First: AIDS an HIV aren't the same; HIV is the "Human immunodeficiency virus" so it's a virus; and there is the AIDS, that is the " Acquired immune deficiency syndrome" so we could say that it's the illness. Second: the HIV/AIDS is not an illness that can be acquired by kissing nor hugging, sharing tableware, clothes, bathroom, workplace nor by giving blood. And third: Are a few thing about the virus that have to be said. The virus is present in body fluids like semen and preseminal fluid, vaginal fluid, maternal milk and, of course, the blood. The main ways of transmission are three: Sexual, parenteral and perinatal. The sexual way is, as its name says, for having sex, either heterosexual or homosexual sex. Moreover, by 2008 the 50% of the people infected in the worldwide were women. Parenteral way means by, mostly, sharing needles used by drug users. And perinatal way is from mother to son, either in pregnancy, delivery or brastfeeding.

Well with this I finish my post. Hope you like it and that you keep following me. Byee!!

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