domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

dealing with stress at the U

Hi, how are you all been doing?

ok, let's start this post. Stress, it is something very common in this fast days that we all are living in because of the time is never enough for everything we have and we want to do, moreover, i've read that exists something called superstress, that it's exclusively an issue of our times. The makes us move from one place to another many times in one day, it makes us stay up untill 3-4 am or even don't sleep at night studing for the next day, and it makes us, in a huge amount, several bad effects in our organism.

So, how do we deal with it, in an ambient so stressfull as university? well, there exists a few strategies that work for me. One of them is keep doing excersice or sports in your free time. It's a nice way for get rid of all that stress that one is keeping inside and forget for moments about homeworks, studies, subjects, etc., that fills your head; The second strategy is to try to organize yourself the best possible, starting studying with time for big tests and don't postpone works untill last minute. The third is listening music... but here i have some troubles because i get so inmersed in music that i don't know when to stop, so when I stop it I get more stressed out. And the last one is sleeping. Yes, sleeping, because after a good night of dreams get your batteries full and with that you can acomplish your goals for that day.

well that all for this week, hope that you have enjoy. BYEE!

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Dispelling "Neuromyths"

Hello again! Today I'll talk about a book called "brain and learning", the chapter called dispelling "Neuromyths", and specialy of the neuromyth that talks about humans just use the ten percent of his brain. This myth is very known for everybody and started when, the text presumed, Albert Einstein said that he just used ten percent of his brain during an interview.

Well, in the text says that, in that time, early investigations supported this idea, but now, recently experiments have demonstrated that even if one functional area of the brain is being preferently used, at the same time others functional areas have activity, as the secondary areas and thats that have relation with posture and movements. Other experiments demosntrated that any area of the brain is inactive at any time, even sleeping, and finally, the fact that any harm in the brain have impact in one or various functions, even in those wounds that aparently doesn't have repercussions. In fact, it actually had repercussions, but the brain adapted himself to attenuate the efects of the wound, and thats because of something called neuroplasticity.

Personally, I think that this article clarifies this myth in a very good way, because if someone comes to ask " it is true that about we use just ten percent of our brains?", this article gave the ways to answer that question in simple words that someone that does not know anything from neuroscieces would understand and accept this.

Well that's all for now, I hope you have enjoyed reading about this interesting subject. Bye for now!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle, is it posible? how?

Well, the answer for this question is absolutly yes, of course it's possible. But the thing is that if you don't have already a healthy lifestyle impressed from your parents, it would be very difficult to start a new lifestyle.
  For those who think in starting a healthy lifestyle, i think that the hardest part is quitting the junk food and fast food, and slowly introduce to the diet vegetables, fruits and rich in vitamin food. The second part is start doing excersice, even if it is walking for thirty minutes a day almost everyday, you have to start with something, and eventually increase the pace so start trotting a few times in a week. Also, if you have enough time, you can join a team of any sport you like and practice regularly.
  In my case, I used to do almost everything I wrote, but this year with the pace of the university i haven't being able to make it, so im feeling less energetic and i can't sleep very well. But at least i try to keep optimistic that someday i will be able to have a healthiest lifestyle than the one i have today.