Well, this is my first post in this new blog, and actually it's my first post ever. To start with, I'll introduce myself: my real name is José Tomás Donoso and I'm 18 years old, chilean and I'm studing physical therapy in Universidad de Chile. I really like playing basketball but since I entered into the university I had never trained before in any team. Also I like running but lately I haven't felt like I got enough time to go out and run. The past two years I participated in Santiago's marathon, running 21k but it really didn't go very well, but it's great to be running with hundreds, even thousands, of people before you and other hundreds after you, just running for sport and nothing more, to prove themselves that they can go for more and when they get exausted going for even more!!. Another thing that I like it's waste time in online games that aren't really good but, I don't know, is a stupid attitude of mine. Also I'd read a few books that I really liked, like "La oscura vida radiante" of Manuel Rojas, "El obsceno pájaro de la noche" and "Coronación" of José Donoso, else I readed all "Harry Potter" saga but I didn't liked so much.
Well, getting to an end in this post I preview a new post talking of those books I talked before, so until the next post, byee